学生萝莉 一张图判别你的识色材干有多强

学生萝莉 一张图判别你的识色材干有多强




There is a new quiz online that aims to test how well you can see different colours. 最近,网上新出了一个测试情绪识别材干的在线测试。

The eye test is devised by quiz site Playbuzz and shows a spectrum of varying different colours ranging from purple right through to a deep red. 这款视觉测试由Playbuzz网站野心,有全部从紫色到深红色不同情绪逐渐变化的色谱。

You are then asked 'How many colors can you see in the picture below?' before being given a list of four different options. 测试问题是“你不才面的图片中大概看到若干种情绪?”后头列出了四个不同的选项。


Scroll down to find out the answer 向下篡改找出谜底


The answers include the following: Less than 20, 20-32, 32-39 and More than 39. 谜底如下:小于20,20-32,32-39,大于39。

Each result gives you a different answer about what kind of eyesight you have. 每一个恶果齐针对你的概念级别给出不同谜底。

If you spot less than 20 colours in the quiz, then you are a dichromat. 如若你在测试中发现的情绪少于20种,那么你即是二色视者。

This means, according to Playbuzz, that you probably have two cones in your eye. Playbuzz称,这意味着你眼睛可能有两种视锥细胞。

They say: 'Only 25 percent of the population are dichromats! But don't worry, cause dogs are dichromats too.' Playbuzz称:“唯有25%的东谈主是二色视者,性爱游戏在线观看但不要悼念,因为狗狗亦然。”



If you can see 20 to 32 distinctive colours, then this suggests you are a trichromat who has three types of cones in your eye in the purple/blue, green, and red regions. 如若你能看到20-32种不同情绪,那么这标明你是三色视者,你的眼中存在紫/蓝色、绿色和红色三种视锥细胞。

Playbuzz reckons about 50 percent of the population are trichromats and it means you are 'full of energy, love and positivity.' playbuzz估测约50%的东谈主是三色视者,这意味着他们“神采飞扬,充满爱心和正能量”。



If you are able to spot 32 to 39 distinctive colours in the picture then you're like a bumblebee. 如若你大概从图片中识别出32-39种情绪,那么你就像是一只大黄蜂啦。



Playbuzz writes: 'You have four types of cones in your eyes, which is a real rarity! Playbuzz写谈:“你的眼睛有四种视锥细胞,这着实是太非凡了!

'Only 25% of the population is a tetrachromat! You are extremely bright, sharp and unique.' “唯有25%的东谈主是四色视者!你异常灵敏、强烈且卓尔不群。”

If, however, you managed to count more than 39 different colours shown on the spectrum, then you may have to count again. 探讨词,如若你大概在色谱上数出逾越39种情绪,那你可能要重数一遍了。


There are only 39 different colours in the test so if you think you're seeing more than 39 you may be counting wrong! 测试中唯有39种不同情绪,是以如若你以为我方看到的情绪逾越39种,那么你可能数错了!


cone: 视锥 dichromat: 二色视者trichromat: 平常色觉者


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