反差 推特 万圣节读什么?8本恐怖演义带你飞!
In the spirit of Halloween, we gathered up a few books that are psychologically eerie in the way some horror movies just aren't. 万圣节行将到来之际反差 推特,为了渲染节日氛围,咱们精选了几本安妥此时赏读的恐怖演义,这些演义不同于某些恐怖电影,齐以形状上的恐怖感取胜。
1.The Witches of Worm by Zilpha Keatley Snyder 《虫巫》作家:Zilpha Keatley Snyder
Jessica buys a runt of a kitten -- a tiny creature that her neighbor helps her nurse to health. Adorable, right? NO. WRONG. There is nothing adorable about this story. Jessica names the kitten Worm, which is already a horrible sign. Then, timed perfectly with her acquisition of said kitten, Jessica begins committing increasingly violent acts against her family. 杰西卡买了一只小猫崽——她的邻居也来匡助她饲养这只小东西。听起来很萌萌哒,不是吗——然并卵!这个故事少量也不萌萌哒。杰西卡为小猫取名为“虫子”反差 推特,这自己便是一个恐怖的征兆了。接着,恰在她将这只小猫带回家之后,杰西卡运行对家东谈主施暴,并且暴力倾向越来越严重……